Our Stories: Pentecost Converts

It was a hot day.  Of course when isn’t it hot in the Holy City?  It’s hard to think of Jerusalem without starting to sweat.  And it was another scorcher today.  And dusty.  And dry.  And crowded.  Especially during the Feast of Weeks.  Every time I arrive for a Festival I ask myself why they couldn’t be held in the cooler season.  But Yahweh has His reasons for arranging it this way.  Read more

The Gospel Life

What kind of life do you live?  Turning to Romans 1 today we discover that all Christians are to live a Gospel life.  Paul wrote to the Romans perhaps the greatest of all NT books.  Romans is the grand treatise on the grandest doctrines of our faith.  The theme is how sinful people can be righteous before God.  The answer to that is the Gospel – and only the Gospel.  In this opening chapter we can find aspects of how the Gospel transforms us and then re-routes our lives towards God and His purposes so that we live Gospel-lives:  that is, lives that promote, propagate, and perpetuate the Gospel in our world.  Let’s look at 4 points today. Read more

Do Not Go To Hell (Part 2), Luke 16:19-31

The next time you are at a funeral and someone says, “At least they’ve gone on to a better place”, I want you to ask yourself the question: “How does someone know that?” No one has ever said at a funeral “They have gone to a worse place”. But the Bible says there is such a place. Has no one ever gone there? Yes. Many. Actually, probably more people will be in Hell than in heaven. I say that because Jesus alluded to it when He said in Matthew 7, “Broad is the road that leads to destruction and wide is the gate for many are on it. But narrow is the road that leads to life and few find it.” Read more

Do Not Go To Hell (Part 1), Luke 16:19-31

Today’s sermon is a plea.  There is nothing funny about what we’re going to talk about.  I have no entertaining anecdotes because the subject we are occupied with today is too sobering.  This message is a plea.  It is an appeal.  There will never be anything more important for you to hear than what you will hear today.  We are talking about the subject of Hell.  We are going to look at what the Bible says about Hell. Read more