Renewal In The New Year, Part 2 (Nehemiah 8)

We are looking at Nehemiah 8.  And in Nehemiah 8 we see the Israelites posture towards the Word of God.  We see their posture towards the Word of God as they begin a new chapter in their national life.  They returned from Babylonian Exile to their homeland.  In returning to their land, you see clearly too a return to their God.  And that is reflected in their attitude towards the word of God.  

From this chapter I am drawing out 8 commitments for us to God’s Word.  These are 8 ways to renew our commitment to God’s Word.  We saw 4 last week:  1) demand God’s word, 2) be together for God’s word, 3) publicly read God’s word, and 4) be attentive to God’s word.  

This week I want to finish the last 4.  These would be numbers :  5) be reverent towards God’s word, 6) Understand God’s Word, 7) Be convicted by God’s Word, and 8) Be joyful through God’s Word

#5:   Renew Your Commitment to BE REVERENT OF GOD’S WORD (4-6)

So we are seeing the Israelites also demonstrated a renewed reverence for the word of God.  Look with me at verses 4-6, “….”

Nehemiah prayed in chapter 1 verse 11, “….your servants who delight in revering your name.”  

Three things in those verses stand out to me as reverent:  1) the high platform they built for Ezra to stand on, 2) the people all stood up for the reading of the Law, and 3) they all bowed down.

They built that high platform for the practical reason that Ezra needed to be up high so his voice could project and he could be heard by the large crowds.  But don’t doubt for a moment that physically elevating the Word of God on that platform was not at the same time a reflection of their elevating it in their hearts.  

Then we see God’s Word says that when Ezra opened the book the people stood up.  Reverence.  Reverence for God.  Remaining seated would’ve been to disrespect God’s Word.  Standing up is often seen as reverence in Scripture.  “Stand up in the presence of the aged” Leviticus 19:32 says, “show respect for the elderly and revere your God.”  Standing in reverence.  The enormous King Eglon of Moab stood up when he was told that a message from God was going to be shared with him (Jdg 3:20).  Stand in reverence.  And here in Nehemiah the Israelites standing up shows the deep respect and reverence they had for God and for His Word.

Then we can also see their reverence in that they bowed down.  While they stood Ezra praised God, I’m assuming he spoke and/or prayed.  The people responded to that praise by bowing down in reverence. 

APPLICATION:   Revere God and His Word.  I’m all for Bible knowledge and helping every single one of you grow in your knowledge of God through His Word.  But remembering a collection of truths taught in the Bible is one thing – revering the God who gave those truths is another.  Do not create a distorted Christian life where you “know” everything but revere nothing.   

APPLICATION:  A reverent heart is an obedient heart.  Ignorance of God leads to irreverence towards God which leads to disobedience to God.  Pharoah said, “Who is the LORD that I should obey Him?”  Because he did not know God, he did not revere God.  “Teach them to obey everything I have commanded” is the Great Commission.  The life of a disciple is one of obedience to the commands of Jesus Christ – an obedience powered by reverence.  Reverence is seen in placing the highest value on God’s Word, knowing that it is the very words of God and that in it is all you need for life.  

#6:  Renew Your Commitment to UNDERSTAND GOD’S WORD (7-8)

Notice this in verses 7-8, “….”  Two things are happening here:  God’s word is being explained and God’s word is being understood.  People were “getting” it.  And that’s because of a team of men standing up and making it make sense to people.

First, God’s Word must be understood – this is critical.  We must not only have a Bible, or read a Bible, but we must understand the Bible.  

Second, faithful spiritual leadership correctly explains God’s Word to God’s people.  The obvious implication in the text is that these Levites were CORRECTLY explaining God’s Word to them.  

Third, God’s people are dependent upon faithful men to faithfully and correctly teach them God’s Word.  The Israelites needed God’s Word read to them and they needed the meaning of God’s word made clear to them.   The Ethiopian needed Philip to explain the book of Isaiah to him.  Philip asked him, “Do you understand what you are reading?”  The Ethiopian said, “How can I unless someone explains it to me?”  What did Christ give to the Church according to the 

I laugh when people say, “I’m not taught by any man, I’ve only been taught by the Holy Spirit.”  No, you have not only been taught by the Holy Spirit and yes, you have been taught by other men.  

APPLICATION:  You make sure that you are under good teaching of God’s word

APPLICATION to the APPLICATION:  You make sure you are in the right condition to understand God’s Word.  Here are several tips for making sure you’re in the right condition to understand God’s Word

  1. Approach God’s Word with faith.  Our trust in God is reflected in our trust in His Word.
  2. Obey God’s Word.  Obedience to God’s Word brings understanding of God’s Word.  
  3. Meditate on God’s Word.  Second Timothy 2:7, Paul tells Timothy, “Reflect on what I am saying and the Lord Jesus will give you insight into all this.” 
  4. Get under good teaching.  “Do your best” 2 Timothy 2:15 says, “to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”  Timothy was instructed to be a good teacher of God’s Word because his flock depended on it.  
  5. Seek Jesus in God’s Word.  Your not stopping with God’s Word.  God’s Word is your vehicle to God.  

#7:  Renew Your Commitment to BE CONVICTED BY GOD’S WORD (v9).

Apparently the reading and explaining of God’s Word was having a powerful effect on the consciences of the people.  Look at verse 9 with me, “….”  As they heard the word they were weeping.  Why were they weeping.  Because they were listening to the Law being read to them.  Why would that cause them to weep?  There is only one answer:  conviction.  The Law of God was convicting them and it made them weep.  

In chapter 1 verses 4 and 5 Nehemiah wept when he heard about the condition of Jerusalem and the survivors.  In his prayer he confesses to God through tears the sin of his people.  Nehemiah’s conviction in chapter 1 is seen now in all the Israelites in chapter 8.  

When Nathaniel went to David he famously and powerfully confronted David with those epic words, “You are the man!”  And conviction swept over David like a tidal wave.  

When Peter preached the first sermon in Church history in Acts 2 there is a graphic picture of conviction seen in his audience.  Verse 37 says, “When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostle, “Brothers, what shall we do?”

Godliness isn’t the absence of all sin.  Godliness is seen in humble conviction over our sin that seeks forgiveness and true change away from that sin.  

Oh the blessing of conviction.  How God loves and blesses a sinner convicted of their sin.  David said in Psalm 51:17, “My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise.”  If sin wasn’t enough to arouse God’s wrath, when it is compounded by hardened, arrogant, unfeeling lack of conviction it is a recipe for God’s judgment raining down.  In Jeremiah 6:15 God said about the Israelites, “Are they ashamed of their detestable conduct?  No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush.  So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when I punish them.” 

APPLICATION:  Be convicted by God’s Word!  We are convicted on behalf of other people all the time aren’t we?  “So and so really should hear this sermon or read this passage.  It was written for him!”  But honestly, when was the last time YOU read the word of God and were convicted by what it said?  Be on your guard against being so comfortable with God’s Word because you never find it speaking TO YOU!

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